In the third section of the Libraries tab, you can find Templates. Templates are ready-made components or groups of components that serve a particular purpose and are used for prototyping for web or mobile, and wireframing. At the moment, includes the popular template kits Luxo Web, Luxo Mobile, and iOS wireframing kit. They are ideal for rapid prototyping. Just search for the type of template that suits your needs, find the one you like, add it to your project and customize it.
Luxo web and mobile templates are organized in categories, such as Typography, basic, form fields, heading text blocks, basic content blocks, headers & navigation, footers, header blocks, carousels, standard content blocks, special content blocks, news, social media & blogs, galleries, and contact forms. Luxo web is best used on devices with width 1440px and Luxo mobile for 375px x 667px.
iOS wireframing kit is organized in categories, such as onboarding, sign in & sign up, feeds, settings, messages, create new, activity feeds, music & video, live stream, menu navigation, analytics graphs, events & calendars, profile, photo & video, shopping, payment & checkout, search, map navigation, empty state, native alerts, custom alerts, and phone call. These templates are best used on devices of dimensions 375px x 667 px.