Touch/gesture and mouse events can be applied almost to any UI component item found in the item libraries. Some items have one action property, e.g. a single button, while others have dynamic action properties, e.g. a tab bar component that lets you create a different set of interactions for each individual tab.
List of events
Click is triggered when a user clicks on a component, or similarly taps on that component with a touch event on the actual mobile device. Click is similar to tap but with a longer execution wait timer, to handle better event recognition.
Tap is similar to click but triggered after a quick touch event. On a web browser, click and tap are identical. On mobile devices click runs 400ms after it is pressed, while tap runs 300ms after it is pressed. The 400ms is crucial in some cases to avoid transition and double-click event conflicts, so click might be preferred to tap. However, if it is necessary to have a faster tap response, tap can be used with caution.
Note:: In case of a “Go to screen” action with no or a fast transition, it is possible for another tap or click event which is on another button, but on the same exact location in the target screen, to be executed.
Tap Hold
The Tap Hold event is triggered when a user clicks and holds their mouse (or taps and holds their finger on a mobile device) for more than one second.
The Swipe event is triggered if any swipe activity is detected (horizontal drag of 30px or more and less than 75px vertically – occurs within 1 second duration), e.g. swipe left, or swipe right.
Swipe left
The Swipe left event is triggered when a horizontal swipe left activity is detected (right to left direction).
Swipe right
The Swipe right event is triggered when a horizontal swipe right activity is detected (left to right direction).
Swipe up
The Swipe up event is triggered when a vertical swipe up activity is detected (bottom to top direction).
Swipe down
The Swipe down event is triggered when a vertical swipe down activity is detected (top to bottom bottom direction).
One or more touch events can be applied to one UI element. Also, the same events can be applied to execute different actions. For example, you can set three different interactions on one button. Two interactions that will be called with a “tap” event and one that will be called with a “tap hold” event.