Screens |
Go to screen… Load screen as overlay… Unload overlayed screen... |
Containers |
Go to snap container page… Scroll scrollable container… Sync Page Controller item... |
States |
Change screen state... Change container state... Stop state transition... |
Item animations |
Animate item… Move whole screen… End loop sequence... |
Logic |
Change property… Set variable... |
Item visibility |
Show item… Hide item… Show item and hide after delay… Toggle item visibility (hide/show)... |
Layers |
Bring to front… Send to back... |
Item highlight |
Highlight navigation item… Highlight list item… Highlight page controller item... |
Events |
Stop event propagation Fire an item’s event… Focus input field... |
Audio |
Play audio… Pause audio… Stop audio… Change audio volume... |
Video |
Play video… Pause video… Stop video… Change video volume... |
Gifs |
Restart GIF item... |
External Actions |
Open external URL… Send email… Make phone call… Send SMS... |
Debugging |
Alert item id for debugging Alert variable for debugging |