The basics
You can now include vector animations in your prototypes using our AE Lottie Animation UI component that can be found in the Basic Components Library. At the moment, lets you use animation files in JSON format. You can use Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON files with the Bodymovin plugin or check out the animations available to download from the online community LottieFiles. Furthermore, has a new Vector animation Icons library for your convenience.
Once you drag an AE Lottie animation UI component to your canvas, you see this where you can preview the animation by clicking on the Play button (bottom-right):
AE Lottie animation components have these new properties:
You can change the animation source file by choosing one from our icon library or by uploading your own files in Asset Manager.
Alternatively, you can just drag and drop an animation file (JSON format) onto your canvas, and an AE Lottie animation UI component will be added.
You can control your animations to start/stop and pause/resume whenever you like.
You can also set relevant properties from the beginning through the Inspector (Autoplay, Loop, and Animation Playback Speed). Autoplay and Loop are initially checked so that you can preview the animation in Player.
If you want the vector animation itself to be interactive, you can drag the interaction wizard and drop it on the animation itself. You’ll get a dropdown menu with actions to be executed “On Tap.”
You also have the option to Play, Pause and Stop Lottie animation in interactions you set up in different UI components. Moreover, a new interaction trigger event is available, specifically for these animations: “Lottie Animation end.”
New Animated icons library
You can find a vast collection of animated icons by Eddy Gabb and Salih, ready to be used directly in your project.